Settling in now with both my boys has been AMAZING. God is so good! They love each other so much and Josh loves being a big brother. Jonathan is now walking, saying a few words: "Tete, Agua, Ball" etc. I am so blessed to have not only my amazing husband, Frank, but now these 2 (I can't believe I'm a Mom of 2!!!!) boys who have enriched our lives so very much. I look at their gorgeous faces and am filled with gratitude.... to our Lord who watched over them and kept them for us, their birthmoms who will forever hold a special place in all of our hearts and to our family, who love and enjoy them just as much as we do!
Our Journey Back to Colombia
"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all of your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Proverbs 3: 5 & 6
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday, August 30, 2010
Ok so, I asked Daddy to take a pic of the three of us. What he failed to tell me was that Jonathan's face was all covered up. Poor guy the rain was coming in sideways and we were trying to make sure both boys were bundled up. No wonder Jonathan didn't comment much about the horse show...
It looks like even Colombia had an "Old West".
Ok so, the first time we visited Bogota, I'm sad to say we didn't venture out much... I'm not even sure why. We went to Zipaquira (the salt mine) and to the Botero Museum and of course to Andres Carne de Res, but this time we wanted to make sure we did other things too. So, when the Cravens told us about this interactive animal park called Panaca, we were excited to go! We teamed up with the Cravens and the Rodriguez families and all went to Panaca. It's about an hour's drive south of Bogota and has LOTS of animals to see. The weather wasn't the best... unfortunately, so that kept us from seeing much. But we did get to see the horses (including a horse show, which was hilarious), ponies, donkeys, birds, turkeys and rabbits. From what we here there was much more to see, but that's when the rain set in and we couldn't see much more.
The park is actually set on a large area of land and you can walk throughout it via dirt roads. Our poor strollers! You can imagine the dirt on them at the end of our visit. Josh especially LOVED the rabbit exhibit. You paid 2,000 pesos (roughly $1) and the kids could go in and run around with the rabbits... play with them and even carry them. Even though it rained a bit, he didn't mind at all. He carried them and was surprisingly gentle with them. Anna Marie was a riot as she picked up the bunnies upside down but no harm done, I think they all survived.
There was also a place to feed the birds and ducks... really nice to see them all get pelted with food from my son. :) Ah, he's so gentle....
I wanted to do the zipline but then the rain set in... it was a good price too.... $20,000 pesos for the whole course (I think it was 3 ziplines). My chance at living the Amazing Race was not to be... so, I guess I'll have to come back someday just for that.
It was a great day with friends and we enjoyed ourselves so very much!
Good news is that it looks like we'll be back home by this weekend... hooray! I have loved every moment in Medellin and Bogota but I miss home too. We miss our family and friends, our dog (spencer), our BED, and church... those are the main voids. Now we can begin to get Jonathan settled into his new home, new room and forever family. We are so very thrilled that the Lord allowed us to go through this journey. I cannot say enough thanks to those who have helped us throughout this journey... and those we've met along the way. We will forever remember your love and be grateful for you. May the Lord bless you so very much! (and for those of you still in process... may the Lord grant you a speedy court process!) :)
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Enjoying Bogota with Friends

Ruth Ann, Frank and I pose for a smile under the beautiful Bogota sun.

We've had a very exciting couple of days! My dear friend, Ruth Ann Craven and I grew up together. We were best friends in middle school and it's amazing that God's brought us back together again in Colombia! She and her husband Steve are adopting their second child from CRAN here in Bogota and happen to be here at the same time as us! Such a God thing... their daughter Anna Marie was adopted two years ago. This time they're adopting a little boy, Jackson who is actually the same age as Jonathan.. they're only 1 week apart. We actually got our referrals the SAME DAY... even though we went through two different agencies... so very cool. God is amazing and wonderful, I'm always blessed by the sweetness He allows us to experience.
So, after arriving here in Bogota, the next day we met up with the Cravens for a nice afternoon in the Park... oh yeah, and lunch at El Corral. So seriously, I know that in the US we have amazing burger joints like... Johnny Rockets and Fuddruckers, but seriously, El Corral tops them all. Their menu has like 25 different burgers to choose from... I'm not kidding, and they're HUGE! I ordered a Costalena burger with plantain chips and a crumbled cheese... it was delicious! It was so great to see the Cravens and catch up with them! From there we went to Parque 66, a cute little park close to the restaurant where Anna and Josh got to play while Ruth Ann and I caught up. Let me say that her kids are gorgeous and so very sweet. She has them dressed like Pottery Barn Kids models... and next to my children with their stained pants, one socked, bouched up on clothes, they look amazing! :)
Of course walking around with them in Colombia is fabulous! We found out from one of our friends who happens to be colombian, that men are NOT supposed to be pushing strollers around. It's not a "macho" thing to do... we found this to be extra funny since that day Steve was pushing the double stroller, followed by Frank pushing Jonathan's stroller and Ruth Ann and I talked behind them with Josh in hand. HA! So glad we are NOT married to the stereotypical Colombian man... both Steve and Frank are amazing daddies, they do it all! I'm very thankful that Frank is willing to play daddy all of the time, and he's GREAT at it! :) Both Josh and Jonathan are so blessed to have him... and they truly love their daddy. Even Jonathan's starting to say dadada..
From there we headed to Juan Valdez for a coffee. We then accompanied them to COMCEL to get new SIM cards for their iphones. That took awhile, but I was thankful since Ruth Ann and I got to chit chat and catch up. While we were there, a sweet older lady came to talk to us. She wanted to see if Ruth Ann would sell her double stroller since she knew a girl who needed one. I explained to her that we were adopting and she needed the stroller for the journey. The lady was so very sweet... she congratulated us and told us we were a blessing. She even hugged us as she walked away. The iphones were ready to go and we got some taxis (hard to do in rush hour traffic) and then it was back to Hotel Paris.
Friday we went to the Santa Fe mall with the Cravens and our friends the Rodriguez family. We were hoping to take the kids to Divercity, a kids amusement area similar to Wannado city in FL where they get to play dress up, etc. but it was closed. So we just walked around the mall and enjoyed each other. The kids get along really well... we feel so very blessed that the Lord has brought amazing friends into our path during this journey. They make it so much more special...
Here's a short video of Josh playing with his new friends at Hotel Paris. Maria's pushing the kids.. one of her daughters, Nicole is in the middle and on the right is another new friend, Marisa, who's 3 and was adopted from Los Pisingos. Her parents are here adopting another little girl from Pisingos named Isabel who's 5 months old.
Ah, life is good... love you all.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Lots to Tell from Bogota!!!
Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days... we've been very busy! Our last day in Medellin was amazing. We finally went on a tour of Casa de Maria to see what Jonathan's home was like. It was wonderful. We went with our friend, Natalie and her son Isaac. The facility is wonderful... smaller than CRAN. They only have about 62 kids, ranging from a few months to about 15 or so. We were able to see Jonathan's room and meet some of his "buddies" who shared it with him. In that room there were about 8 children, more or less his age. So very sweet. I took a couple of pictures of him with his nineras. They hugged him and kissed him and said what a good baby he was. They also thought he looked bigger! You can tell that they love what they do and are so very good at it.
We saw other rooms too... rooms that housed the older children and the babies. The baby room is so fun! There are bouncy seats, cribs and swings that hang from the ceiling. It was a very sweet time, especially for Natalie as Isaac's nineras loved to see him! Apparently he left a big impression on many because they all were happy to see him.
As always, this part is emotional. I love to see where Jonathan lived and meet the wonderful people who took care of him, but of course, my heart aches for the children who are still there. The tears came when we went to see the toddlers... kids a little younger than Josh. There were so many! Like maybe 25 or so... all playing with worn out toys. They looked very happy and yet I prayed that each one of them would get a forever family too. Alba Lucia told us of a few sibling groups in particular to pray for... they are having a hard time finding families for them... please pray! There is a family of 4 brothers who will be split up into two homes, but near each other... also, there's a family of 3 sisters, twins girls who are 9 and one 7 year old. Our Lord knows them and their needs... I pray He'll call amazing families for each of them. I feel the Lord planting a seed in my heart for older children... I don't know why or for what, but I do pray that I'll be obedient and follow with whatever He asks of me. ALL of these children deserve families... and need them. Many of them have lived such hard lives already, I just pray our heavenly Father will present them with loving mommies and daddies who will cherish them as they deserve.
Both CRAN and Casa de Maria are wonderful organizations... my feelings for Casa de Maria were more personal because it's smaller, more intimate and the people were so very sweet and amazing. Alba Lucia, who spent much time with us... even gave us additional pictures of Jonathan from his time at C de M, I'll post a few of those. My sweet boy... that was very wonderful for us to have.
After our tour we were invited that evening to our guide, Gloria's house for dinner. She hosted and her cousin cooked a wonderful meal for us. It was so very sweet of her to open her home and we felt honored. She was a very special part of our trip... and we will never forget her. The lasagna was delicious and of course as a thank you we brought her favorite... carrot cake from the hotel! Thank you Gloria so very much! We will always think of her when we hear the phrase "Graicias, muy querida/o" as she says that to everyone!
We left on Tuesday for Bogota. It was emotional for us... we had to say goodbye to the wonderful friends and families we met while at the hotel. I admit I was a bit sad... I think sad to leave the place we've called "home" for 24 days, but also sad about the process... the possibility of never doing it again. It's so wonderful... knowing what I know now, I'd never trade it for a "normal" pregnancy! The time you spend as a family together is so very precious and intimate. You learn so much and you enjoy Colombia. We adored Medellin and I truly hope we can visit again soon.
Our flight to Bogota was very short... about 30 minutes. I was a bit worried about Jonathan but he did great. I shouted Hallelujah! When he did his poopie BEFORE we got on the plane... that was my nightmare... you can imagine, I've already suffered so much in this department! It's definately harder to travel with 2 kids... Josh insisted on sitting by me, so sweet, but that meant that I was the first access for toys, help with the juice, etc. That would've been ok but then I had a baby who was restless on my lap too. There was another girl who traveled with a toddler close to us... I thought "oh good, my kid won't be the only one making noise" but that wasn't the case... as soon as her little one started to cry, she whipped out the "lactating device" latched him on and that was that. I admit I was a bit surprised, especially since she had a stranger sitting next to her, but she didn't seem to care. With the toddler latched on, she took a snooze. Ah... I think I'll stick with my situation of two restless children, thank you very much. :)
I have to say that in Colombia, mothers get red carpet treatment... I'm not kidding. For example, checking in for the flight, Avianca had a really long line. They saw us and asked us to move to the "family" section... we were taken right through to the front. Each time I visit Exito or Carulla, if anyone sees me in line they immediately pull out a seat for me to sit in with the baby. It's like babies are VIPs here! so very sweet! I love it and I'm definately taking it all in now as I know when we get back to Miami it'll be like, "Hey lady, can you hurry up and load all of your groceries onto the conveyor belt and calm that screaming baby... I'm late for work!"
Arriving in Bogota we were met by Jaime, one of our Gladney reps. He was very kind and drove us to Hotel Paris, the same hotel we spent 2 months during Josh's adoption. Walking in was so very nice... we were met with hugs and yelps of excitement from the hotel staff (those we knew) which was lovely. I was surprised they remembered us, considering so many families come in and out of here, but they did! We've spent some time getting to know families staying here at Hotel Paris (that's my favorite part). It's a full house here with mainly toddlers but some older children too.
A very special family we've met are the Rodriguez's. Omar and Maria live in Orlando but they are adopting two sisters, 2 year old Angela and 5 year old Nicole. They are gorgeous! They are a gorgeous family, very sweet and full of God's presence. We are blessed to be here with them and pray they receive sentencia quickly! Josh is thrilled to have 2 playmates to run around with.
So, the next few days we'll spend working on more paperwork and enjoying Bogota... not sure exaclty when we'll be back home, but hopefully we can transition soon. We miss our friends and family very much. I'm adding a few videos... Jonathan's big into "copying" these days. The first is of me singing a song in the hopes that he'll do the motions (I call it "Jasmine's song" since she does it so well!) but he ended up trying to sing after me! He does that with sounds too... like he seems to call Frank "A-DA", he's said Ma only once maybe... but he still looks for me everywhere so, I don't mind if he says dada first! The 2nd video is of Josh and Jonathan playing at Hotel Intercontinental.. Josh says we're going to BOBOTA, which I thought was hilarious. The last one is Jonathan's payback... Josh constantly is pulling his ears so, this was sweet revenge for the little bro... trust me, he holds his own for a little guy.
Love you all and we'll post more from Bogota!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hanging out with Friends
Yesterday and today have been great days of just hanging out with friends. Yesterday we went to Exito with Gloria to buy a few last minute things and last night we had Natalie and Issac over for dinner. Frank "reheated" as he calls it... spaghetti and sauce with garlic bread. We had a great time and both Isaac and Jonathan had a great time playing. Isaac is the sweetest baby... very smiley and laid back. We are thrilled to have them here in the hotel with us... but sad that Tony, Hayden and Carter had to go back home. We hope to keep Natalie company, at least until we head off to Bogota on Tuesday.
Today we went to a different mall here in Medellin called Oviedo. It was really nice! We went with Natalie and Isaac and another great family we've met recently, the Gitkins. James and Jennifer have twin boys Josh's age (who are at home in Weston) and they are here adopting Ariana (13 months old) from Casa de Maria. She is gorgeous! We are so happy to have met them... and knowing they live in Weston, very close to us is so cool! Now we have another family to include in our adoption group picnics, parties, trips, etc. I told them that we have to get together when we all get back since Josh would LOVE to meet their boys Jacob and Dylan.
Tonight we all ate dinner at Hatu Viejo... and it was delicious. So nice! Tomorrow we hope to travel to Casa de Maria in the morning for our tour and farewell and then go to Gloria's house for dinner with the other two families. I will miss everyone here so very much, but especially Gloria. She has been a godsend... without her, Medellin wouldn't have been so very amazing. I keep telling her she HAS to come to Miami to visit us! She is very exceptional and extremely great at what she does. During this trip she has gone above and beyond with us... driving us around, helping with paperwork and even just being here (for example when Jonathan needed to see a doctor, she insisted on being here). So very special. Frank said to me today... he has NOTHING but amazing things to say about everyone who has helped us here in Medellin... from our Gladney staff, hotel staff to Casa de Maria staff, it has all been truly amazing. I'm really sad that we may not get to do this again... although, I guess you never know. What God has in store for you is what's best. I'm hoping we can continue to open our home and hearts to children who need families.... they all deserve mommies and daddies who will love them.
So, by this time on Tuesday we should be in Bogota... ready to embark upon our next leg of this journey. We'll be staying at Hotel Paris... where we stayed for Joshua's adoption so, we are very excited to come full circle, back to the lovely place where it all began for us as a family.
God is so very good.... and I thank Him so very much for my beautiful boys.... I'm blessed.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sentencia :) and Sicky... :(
An after supper smile... he was so happy to eat Strawberry yogurt! Since his throat's bothering him, I'm trying to feed him colder foods to soothe it.
We are thrilled to announce that Jonathan is officially OURS!!!!! Samuel Jose officially became Jonathan Samuel Castellon Ricardo (that's right... here they use the mother's last name too).Whoo hoo! We received our sentencia (rather quickly, thank God) and Frank went to court to sign the paperwork. We wanted to all go, but Jonathan's been sick with fever the past few days, so we opted to keep him here at the hotel so that he wouldn't get worse. Originally we thought that teething was the reason for the fevers, but yesterday the fever went a bit high (about 102) and we knew it had to be something else.
Our hotel has free medical service so, we asked for them to send a doctor to take a look at him. Last night at about 7:30pm the doctor and his assistant arrived to look Jonathan over. Our guide Gloria (our sweet angel) came too for support. After giving him a checkup, the doctor noticed that his throat was infected... extremely red. That would explain why the poor baby made a funny face when I would feed him. I suspected it might be an ear infection but I guess throat was close! So, the doctor prescribed an antibiotic and some vitamin C drops. Today he's still been a bit under the weather... but still happy. This little guy doesn't stop smiling at all... even sick. So, we're trying to make sure he gets his rest and feels better.
Because Jonathan's sick... we don't want to leave for Bogota just yet. We want to give him ample days to get better so, sometime early next week we'll travel to Bogota for the last leg of our journey. I have to say... I adore Medellin and part of me doesn't want to leave! :( We have made such amazing friends here and the hotel staff has been nothing short of amazing with us. We are thrilled we were able to get a good court and can now proceed, but honestly, I feel deep down in my heart that we're not through with Medellin.... the people we've met, the places we've seen and this entire experience has been a true blessing. Not only are we bringing back the BEST souvenier ever (our son) but we also bring with us the love shared with many.
We also had a lovely time today having lunch with Gloria, Nora and Blanca Velez, (our Gladney reps), as well as the Uribes family. We went to a great restaurant called Mondongos. Josh was thrilled since his kids meal came with a Ben 10 toy, and Frank and I had delicious meals too (without the toys of course). Jonathan was still a bit under the weather, but he did ok. I finally got a pic of the Uribes family to show you all... they are so sweet. Dr. Tony is going home tonight with the older boys, Hayden and Carter so, Natalie and Isaac will be here waiting for the paperwork to be completed. Hopefully we can hang out with her and keep her company, at least until we are off to Bogota. It's so very sweet the connection between Jonathan and Issac. Today again, Isaac reached for Jonathan and you can tell they recognize each other. I wasn't fast enough to capture the moment, but I'm hoping they'll be more of them so I can finally get with it and snap the picture!
While outside the restaurant there was a funny mime who had us all laughing hysterically. He posed for a pic with Carter and Josh. He even stopped traffic for our minibus to pull onto the street... poor mime almost got in trouble with a taxi driver for it. I tell you... the drivers here are intense! All in all, it was a wonderful day... the lunch was so great, thank you Blanca and Nora! Seriously, we have been taken care of almost to the point of being spoiled while here in Medellin... I think that's one of the reasons I don't really want to leave! :)
Frank had to travel to the court office of Jonathan's "district" in order to get a copy of his birth certificate for the sentencia. He said it wasn't in a good area of town... close to where we had gone for the metro cable. I just look at both my babies... ok, my big boy and my baby and I'm amazed. God chose them for us... our family. He wanted them to have a Mommy and a Daddy who love them, no matter what. Looking into the eyes of my boys, I know... they may not look like us physically, or carry our genes but they were created in the image of our heavenly Father and they are perfect for US. They are our boys and always will be. My heart prays for them so much... that they'll grow to love Jesus and want to be like Him, serve Him. That they'll make good decisions which will keep them in God's will. That they'll choose good friends.... and eventually (a LONG time from now) choose godly wives and raise a household with the Lord at its center. I know they'll make mistakes... I did... many. So did Frank. But, God led us through those mistakes to repentance, forgiveness and restoration. He can restore anyone... with a willing heart. No matter what you've done... God can forgive and forget. He will, if you let Him.
I pray my boys will always be willing... to go to the arms of Jesus, love and stand for Him, and to love others. It'll be a rocky road, but I'll fight, on my knees. The Lord's taught me that sometimes that's the best line of defense... at his mercy.
So, today I'll post pics of our outing... as well as some video we've taken in our lovely "home away from home". One is just of Jonathan being himself... (mind you, he's sick in this video... you would never tell), one of Josh playing the role of "skivy boy"... he's had me laughing most of this trip, and the last is a sweet one: I sometimes put Jonathan in his crib for a few minutes to try to get things done. He doesn't like it one bit and ususally cries for awhile... well, I did that and heard him and then he stopped. When I went to see why... I saw Josh showing him a toy and trying to calm him down. I melted. It was so sweet, so I had to capture it on video. Josh is showing Jonathan the toy we sent to Casa de Maria with our pictures on it. For some reason the baby loves it... he looks at them often and smiles.
Please pray Jonathan will feel better soon... and that all will continue to go well as we look ahead to Bogota.
Love you all.
PS: You won't believe this, but tonight I was feeding Jonathan his bottle when Frank noticed a small brown liquid on my pants... yeah, that's right! I got hit AGAIN by Captain Poopypants! You wouldn't belive... I was wearing the SAME PANTS that I had on that day at Crepes and Waffles.. I will NOT be wearing those pants anymore on this trip! For sure!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Wet and Rainy, yet Still Smiling!
The Pueblito Paisa
Yesterday we relaxed in the hotel... it was very nice. We took a short trip to Exito to buy a few needed groceries and came back to the hotel. The afternoon was spent with our friends, Frank and Marina (from Germany) and their kids Max and Juan by the pool. Josh had another swimming lesson, since it had been awhile, and we truly enjoyed the day. Even Jonathan was able to get two naps in... a rare thing these days.
This morning we went to breakfast as usual but had a nice surprise! The Uribes family has moved to our hotel so we were able to see them at breakfast. Their boys, Hayden, Carter and now Isaac are adorable and Josh loves them. The cutest thing was when Isaac and Jonathan reached hands to kind of "kid shake". I imagine their conversation went something like this:
Isaac: Hey, how's it goin' man?
Jon: Not bad... how about for you? I haven't seen you in awhile.
Isaac: Yeah... I'm getting used to this great family. They keep wanting me to eat more.
Jon: Eat, huh? Well, you'd better do what they say... the food keeps getting better and better. Just look at me.... I'm already downing all my baby food and bottles. Don't I look "fuller" to you?
Isaac: Yeah, ok... let's see who can put down the most food.
Jon: You're on!
You know... I have a wild imagination. But hey... I'm sure they do remember each other from Casa de Maria... they were like roomies from what we've been told. I'm going to have to get a pic of them. I think they even look alike... :)
So, after yet another great breakfast we went to El Parque de los Pies Descalzos (the Barefoot Park) with our good friends, Juan, Monica and David. The day was a bit rainy, and the bummer was that parts of the park were closed. The water area where you can dip your feet was not working because they're having a concert tomorrow night and they wanted the park to be "dry". I thought that was funny considering it was raining... hee. But we did get the full tour from one of the guides and Monica and Juan insisted on participating to the fullest... which made for great entertainment. I'm posting some pics of our adventures there. We also met the Uribes there as well. The boys had a great time together. Natalie even told me that Isaac ate more today than any other day... (so you see, Jonathan and Isaac's breakfast conversation HAD to be about food)
From there the Serranos (Juan, Monica and David) and us went to El Pueblesito Paisa (the little village of Medellin). It's an old replica of what Medellin's first town's were like. So cute! We sat to chat awhile (until it stopped raining) and then walked around the village. It's so gorgeous! They had a replica of a schoolhouse, a telephone operator, and a sweet chapel in the center. You look at the town (and even the early towns in the US) and you kind of miss the simplicity of it all. Small towns where everyone knew each other... Sundays were for family and life was good for them. Of course... work was hard. No microwaves, hairdryers or my favorite: dishwashers. Hmm... ok, so, maybe simplicity with a few modern conveniences. :)
Our last stop of the day was a yummy Italian restaurant for lunch with our friends. They were so sweet to take us to this place and we truly enjoyed our day with them. Both Monica and Juan are AMAZING with kids... Monica adores Jonathan (and Jonathan likes the attention!). It was such a fun filled day... we came back pooped but so filled. I am so very thankful the Lord has brought such wonderful families to us on this journey. We hope to stay in touch with them! The Serranos said we must visit Spain (they live in Barcelona)... and of course, our German friends keep trying to teach us words and phrases in German. They are very impressed with my "Sound of Music" dialect.... so I am now referred to as "Aidelvise" girl. I'm going to add some pics of them too.
Know we send our love to all of our family and friends back home. Praying the Lord will fill you all with His love and peace. xo
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